Physiopathology of Parkinson's Disease : From molecular/cellular mechanisms to translational research

We are pleased to invite you to the first edition of the conference « PHysiopathology Of Parkinson’s disEase » to be held in Lille on April 23 and 24, 2018.

This meeting will be focused on the genetic and environmental determinants of Parkinson’s disease, and their molecular mechanisms and modeling. The aim of the conference is to promote a better understanding of the pathophysiology of the disease, as well as new perspectives in the fields of preclinical, clinical, imaging and biomarker research.

European and French research in these fields has led to major advances and, in some cases, proposed new biomarkers and symptomatic treatments. At the clinical level, various meetings and networks such as F-CRIN have emerged, but there is a need to promote similar initiatives on basic aspects of Parkinson’s disease pathophysiology and its modeling. This would greatly foster collaboration in this field and integration of basic and clinical research, whether academic, industrial, or linked to associations.

With this vision in mind, we invite you to join us for this event. We plan to renew this experience in 2020 with the ambition of assembling the entire French research community working on basic, preclinical and clinical aspects of Parkinson’s disease. We would like all regions of France to be represented, as well as associations and foundations supporting Parkinson’s disease research, and will continue to integrate foreign speakers in the program. We hope that this event will become a major meeting point, promoting exchanges at the international level and facilitating networking between laboratories on different continents and the emergence of common projects in response to international calls (H2020, ANR, JPND, COST, NSF, NIH, HFPS etc…).

The organizing committee of HOPE – Lille 2018
Marie-Christine Chartier-Harlin
Olga Corti
Charlotte Caillot
Cristine Alves da Costa
Emmanuel Brouillet


Conference Pr Yves AGID

Do not miss the open conference of Pr Yves Agid on April 23 at 7:15 PM !

Selected oral communications

Congratulations to Fiona Bonello, who won the price for Best Junior Presentation !

Call for Posters

Big applause to Emilie Dinh, who won the Best Poster price !

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